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Caturday Streamer's Guide

Things you NEED to KNOW to participate

 1) Background Info

 2) Content & Media

 3) Stream Procedures

1) Background Info

Basic Info you should know about  Caturday, our charity target for this month, and our fundraising goal;

​1) Caturday is: a non-stop Streamathon spanning 3 days centered around the last Saturday of each month. Talented Creative and Engaging streamers from around the world donate a few hours of their time, content, and compassion to focus on a common purpose and help raise funds for charity to achieve our Caturday month's goal.

Each streamer raids the next in-schedule to carry our audience through the event. Content is predominantly based on music and creativity.

The event was conceived and is managed by DarthRipz and Meddek, who are now assisted by the official "Caturday Team" You can read more about Caturday and its history on The official Caturday website; ;

2) This month's charity target is: The Epilepsy Foundation of America;

  • Since 1968 The Epilepsy Foundation of America has worked to prevent, control, and cure epilepsy through community services; public education; federal and local advocacy; and supporting research into new treatments and therapies.

  • Their mission is to lead the fight to overcome the challenges of living with epilepsy and to accelerate therapies to stop seizures, find cures, and save lives.


​3) Our goal: is to raise $1500.00 for The Epilepsy Foundation of America

4) Our donations are processed through Tiltify which provides infrastructure to handle payments and campaign tracking;


2) Content and Media

To help theme Caturday with your existing content, and maintain consistency across streams, you should incorporate the following resources into your stream;

1) Channel Bot Commands: The most important bot command to have set-up is the donation link. Our convention is to use the "!charity" command with a short description and the charity donation link. Example;


Caturday Charity - Donate to Catuday Fundraiser for the The Epilepsy Foundation here:

We often also use a "!caturday" command to help indicate to viewers that this stream is a Caturday event, and a brief summary of what Caturday is. Example;​


Caturday is a fundraising streamathon raid party held the last weekend every month! For more info check out the website:


2) Charity Progress Overlay: A Live progress overlay and a ticker showing the fundraisig progress of the campaign. Having this visible in your scenes helps encourage participation while you are focused on your content. You can add it to your OBS scene as a browser source, using the following link in the "URL" field of the browser source setup in OBS;

3) Schedule Image: If you like you can display an image showing the Caturday Lineup to assist you in describing what Caturday is about and promote events to follow. You can download it from the Caturday Discord channel or website here **Check Caturday Discord for Schedule Image**


4) Donation Incentives: If you wish, you can provide bonus incentives related to your content for donations of various amounts. Choose ideas that suit your content, be creative.


3) Caturday Procedure

You MUST understand event procedures for  Raid Transistion, Moderation, and  Transition Readiness;

Each Streamer in the event has the very important responsibility of receiving our audience from the previous stream and carrying our audience smoothly forward to the next stream in the scheduled raid-train. ** As long as the next streamer is live and ready you must initiate your raid on-time. ** We understand that last minute raids and events can cause a few minutes delay,  but anything more than 5 minutes late is unfair and disrespectful to the next streamer and also the audience.  Unnecessary violations of the schedule will disqualify you from participation in future Caturday events.

1) Starting your Stream: Its good to be underway a bit early to ensure that at the scheduled time everything is functioning properly, start-countdown timers have finished, and you are warmed up. As the start time for your event approaches Team members will likely be in your chat to help coordinate a smooth transition and confirm readiness to the party about to raid you. If some unavoidable delay or catastrophe occurs be sure to inform Caturday team members as far in-advance as possible.

2) During your Stream: There will be Team Caturday members present in your chat during the event. They will be thanking donations to the charity in real-time as they happen. If you are watching the chat this can help you to be alerted that a donation has occurred and thank or celebrate the donation. The thank you messages in chat will also help you see who donated and what amount. Team caturday members, your moderators, and perhaps timers can also periodically trigger the bot commands to remind the chat of the Caturday event as new viewers arrive.

3) Finishing Your Stream: As the scheduled end time approaches, Team Caturday members and/or your moderators will confirm when the next stream is ready so that you know when you can confidently proceed with your raid. Be sure to pay attention to the chat in-case delays or contingencies emerge - Team Caturday members or your mods will inform you. If the next streamer is late starting you should be prepared to go longer to ensure the audience is preserved for the transition. If there is an unexpected cancellation a back-up streamer will take their place, and you will be informed who to raid instead.

4) Prepare ahead:

  • Make SURE you know how to raid properly and reliably

  • Make SURE you know WHO you are scheduled to raid, and that you have the correct spelling of their channel name for the raid. Double check that you are following them.

  • Make SURE your moderators are informed and on-hand in-case team members are unavailable

  • If you need moderators for the event, let us know in advance, and someone from Team Caturday may volunteer, depending on your time slot and our schedules.

How to make overlay work on obs using browser source!

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